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LIGO Scientific Collaboration Mailing Lists

LSC Mail Exploders

Mail sent to the following addresses will reach the elected or appointed individuals or committee members:

A complete list of role-based email lists follows: Reaches
LSC-PI All Group PIs.
LSC-Council All LSC Council Members.
LSC-ExComm All LSC Executive Committee Members.
LIGO-Directorate The LIGO Directorate (Lab Director and Deputy Director, Collaboration Spokesperson).
LIGO-Oversight All LSC Technical Advisors to the LIGO Oversight Committee.
LSC-Ops All members of the LIGO Operations Committee.
LSC-DetChar All members of the LSC Detector Characterization Committee.
LSC-Analysis All members of the LSC Analysis Committee.
LSC-Calibration All members of the LSC Calibration Committee.
LSC-Pubs All members of the Publications and Presentations Committee.
LSC-CompComm All members of the LSC Computing Committee.
LSC-DASC All members of the LSC Data Analysis Software Committee.
LSC-AdvLIGO All members of the Advanced LIGO Committee.
LIGO-AAC All members of the LIGO Academic Advisory Council.
LSC-AIC All members of the LIGO Advanced Interferometer Configuration Working Group.
LSC-EPO All members of the LSC Education and Public Outreach.
LSC-Detection All members of the LSC Detection Committee.
LSC-Elections All members of the LSC Elections Committee.
LSC-WebComm All members of the LSC Web Committee.
LIGO-Director The LIGO Laboratory Director.
LIGO-DepDirector The LIGO Laboratory Deputy Director.
LSC-Spokesperson The LSC Spokesperson.