LIGO Scientific Collaboration Home LIGO Scientific Collaboration Directory
     Principal Investigator = Principal Investigator
         Council Member = Council Member
      Name Group Phone Number
1     Reem Atallah ALfaidi LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow reem.alfaidi +44 (0) 00000000
2     Bryan Barr LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow bryan.barr +44 (141) 330 2517
3     Mark Barton LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow mark.barton +44 (141) 3305880
4     Joseph Charles Bayley LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow joseph.bayley +44 (141) 3301658
5     Angus Sutherland Bell LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow angus.bell +44 (141) 3305880
6   Council Delegate Christopher Berry LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow christopher.berry +44 (141) 330 8237
7     Jack David Callaghan LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow jack.callaghan +44 (0141) 3308237
8     Storm Colloms LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow storm.colloms +44 (141) 3303340
9     Alan Cumming LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow alan.cumming +44 (141) 330 8237
10     Varun Deshmukh LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow varun.deshmukh +44 (751) 6373540
11     Jennifer p Docherty LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow jenniferp.docherty +44 (141) 3303340
12     Scott Kenneth Fitzgerald LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow scottkenneth.fitzgerald +44 (7985) 584333
13     Victoria Graham LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow victoria.graham +44 (141) 3303340
14     Rachel Gray LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow rachel.gray +44 (141) 3304709
15     Justin Greenhalgh LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow justin.greenhalgh +44 (123) 544 5297
16   Council Delegate Giles Hammond LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow giles.hammond +44 (141) 330 2258
17     Karen Haughian LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow karen.haughian +44 (141) 330 2298
18     Martin Hendry LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow martin.hendry +44 (141) 330 5685
19   Council Delegate Ik Siong Heng LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow siong.heng +44 (141) 330 6406
20     Margot Hennig LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow margot.hennig +44 (0141) 330 3340
21     Stuart Hill LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow stuart.hill +44 (0141) 330 1658
22 Principal Investigator   James Hough LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow james.hough +44 (141) 330 4706
23     Qian Hu LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow +44 (141) 330 1657
24     Jessica Irwin LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow jessica.irwin +44 (141) 2000
25     Ross Johnston LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow ross.johnston +44 (0) 141 330 8068
26     Russell Jones LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow russell.jones +44 (141) 330 3376
27     Gregoire Lacaille LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow gregoire.lacaille +44 (1) 413303340
28     Zhuotao Li LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow +44 (141) 5880
29     Eilidh Louise Mackenzie LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow eilidhlouise.mackenzie +44 (44) 07890204950
30     Ian MacLaren LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow ian.maclaren +44 (141) 3304700
31     Iain Martin LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow iain.martin +44 (141) 330 8484
32     Mariela Masso-Reid LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow mariela.masso-reid +44 (141330) 8068
33     Graeme Ian McGhee LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow graeme.mcghee +44 (141) 3308068
34     Rhona McTeague LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow rhona.mcteague +44 (141) 330 3376
35   Council Delegate Chris Messenger LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow chris.messenger +44 (141) 330 3536
36     Peter Murray LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow peter.murray +44 (141) 330 0097
37     Narenraju Nagarajan LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow narenraju.nagarajan +44 (141) 330 4700
38     Ardiana Nela LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow ardiana.nela +44 (330) 8790
39     Alexander Papadopoulos LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow alexander.papadopoulos +44 (7557) 208220
40     Michael M Perreur-Lloyd LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow michael.perreur-lloyd +44 (141) 3303376
41     Abigail Pied LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow abigail.pied +44 (141) 3304942
42   Council Delegate Sheila Rowan LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow sheila.rowan +44 (141) 330 4701
43     Jamie Scott LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow jamie.scott +44 (141) 330 6435
44     Thejas Chilkunda Seetharamu LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow thejaschilkunda.seetharamu +44 (0141) 3302517
45     Eungwang Seo LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow eungwang.seo +82 (10) 29899246
46     Josh Sharkey LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow josh.sharkey +44 (0141) 3340
47     Andrew Spencer LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow andrew.spencer +44 (0141) 330 8068
48     Federico Stachurski LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow federico.stachurski +44 (0) 7539092723
49     Karl Toland LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow karl.toland +44 (141) 3307324
50   Council Delegate John Veitch LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow john.veitch +44 (141) 330 3636
51     Stephen A Webster LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow stephen.webster +44 (141) 3305884
52     Daniel Williams LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow daniel.williams +44 (141) 330 7168
53   Council Delegate Graham Woan LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow graham.woan +44 (141) 330 5897
54     Dominika Zuzanna Zieba LSC - GEO - University of Glasgow dominika.zieba +44 (141) 3302517

Email to the whole group
CSV version of this table

**NOTE** If you are not currently listed in the LSC Directory Services and believe that you should be, please contact your Institution's PI or the LSC Spokesperson.