LIGO Scientific Collaboration Home LIGO Scientific Collaboration Directory
     Principal Investigator = Principal Investigator
         Council Member = Council Member
      Name Group Phone Number
1     Tessa Baker LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth tessa.baker +44 (2392) 845151
2     Gareth Stephen Cabourn Davies LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth gareth.cabourndavies +44 (023) 9284 5151
3     Rowan Chalmers LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth rowan.chalmers +44 (023) 92848123
4     Elena Colangeli LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth elena.colangeli +44 (023) 9284 5151
5     Rahul Dhurkunde LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth rahul.dhurkunde +44 (238) 05815
6     Susanna Green LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth +44 (234) 355444
7     Ian Harry LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth ian.harry +49 (331) 5677243
8     Charlie Graham Hoy LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth charlie.hoy +44 (23) 9284 5151
9     Konstantin Leyde LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth konstantin.leyde +33 (767) 188673
10     Toby Maule LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth toby.maule +44 (02392) 284123
11     Xan Morice-Atkinson LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth xan.morice-atkinson +44 (02392) 845151
12   Council Delegate Laura Kate Nuttall LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth laura.nuttall +44 (78178) 61098
13     Sergi Sirera-Lahoz LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth sergi.sirera-lahoz +34 (0) 638601939
14     Arthur Tolley LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth arthur.tolley +44 (7394) 198721
15     Ryan Peter Ursell LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth ryanpeter.ursell +44 (23) 9284 5151
16     Connor Richard Weaving LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth connor.weaving +44 (01256) 415939
17     Emily Grace Wickens LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth emilygrace.wickens +44 (23) 92845151
18     Michael Williams LSC - GEO - University of Portsmouth michael.williams +44 (238) 05815

Email to the whole group
CSV version of this table

**NOTE** If you are not currently listed in the LSC Directory Services and believe that you should be, please contact your Institution's PI or the LSC Spokesperson.